Awards and Medals

Cadets who do really well may earn awards and medals.
Presented at the Awards Dinner
- Boats Crew & Colour Party Award: For the most proficient Cadet in either Division
- Chief Angus Schiedel Bandsman Award: For the most proficient bandsman
- Commodore Orthlieb Award: For determination (Ordinary Cadet to Chief Petty Officer First Class)
- Best First Year Cadet: For attendance, attitude and deportment (Able Cadet)
- Most Improved Cadet Award: Most improved cadet overall (Ordinary Cadet to Chief Petty Officer First Class)
- Most Improved Bandsman Award: For most improved musically
- Best Junior NCO Award: Showing excellence in all areas (Leading Cadet to Petty Officer Second class)
- Best Senior NCO Award: Showing excellence in all areas (Petty Officer First Class to Chief Petty Officer First Class)
- Gunners Award
- Junior Academic Proficiency Award: For highest overall marks (Able Cadet to Leading Cadet)
- Senior Academic Proficiency Award: For highest overall marks (Petty Officer Second Class to Chief Petty Officer)
- Junior Peer Choice Award
- Senior Peer Choice Award
- Executive Officers Leadership Award
- and more.
Presented at our Annual Inspection
Citizenship Award
Esprit de Corps Award
Captain Jackson Award
Overall Proficiency Award: Especially in leadership (Petty Officer First Class to Chief Petty Officer First Class)
F.R. Ferguson Award: Highest mark on the Naval History Exam (New Entry to Chief Petty Officer First Class)
- and more.
Rare Awards for Exceptional Circumstances
Navy League Award of Commendation
Navy League Medal of Excellence
Yearly Perfect Attendance Badge
Bronze: One year of perfect attendance
Silver: Two years of perfect attendance
Gold: Three years of perfect attendance
Awards are given at the Awards Dinner or the Annual Inspection.