How To Join

- Are you between 9 and 12 years old?
- Do you like making friends?
- Care to go sailing, boating, and swimming?
- Would you like to play a musical instrument, go wall climbing, and learn cool stuff about ships and submarines?
- Interested in camps, outings, and trips?
- Think you’d like marksmanship or becoming a leader?
With NLCC Captain Jackson, you’ll get a chance to do all the above and many more activities! Check out our Gallery for fun stuff we’ve done in the past.
Youth aged 9-12 years old can join NLCC Captain Jackson during open registration in September and January. We parade (meet) every Thursday evening between 1830 hrs (6:30PM) and 2100 hrs (9:00PM). Please visit our Blog section for further information on registering your child ( ABOUT tab- Blog) If you visit us, please keep in mind that you are entering a Department of National Defence establishment. Please refer to the HMCS Tecumseh visitor policy.