HMCS Tecumseh Policy

Access to the HMCS Tecumseh Ship, main building, is now restricted to the main front entrance only as per order from the Commanding Officer of HMCS Tecumseh. Part of this access procedure requires that any person entering the building as a guest must be properly identified and signed in and out. Unless otherwise authorized, parents are only allowed on the main parade deck for colours and sunset and then must depart the facility between these times.
We ask that you obey all signs on base including No Parking areas and not parking in Reserved Parking Stalls as indicated by a sign. The safety and security of the cadets and your safety and security are important and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
HMCS Tecumseh Security Procedures for NLCC Captain Jackson
By Order of Department of National Defence, via CO HMCS Tecumseh.Access in and out of HMCS Tecumseh Main Building is controlled at all times. Access to the parade deck and the gangway is by the main entrance (brow) only, controlled by the Officer Of the Day when doors to the parade deck or gangway are unlocked.
Doors to the parade deck:
- Will be opened to allow cadets and parents access for colours.
- Will be closed and locked when parents leave after colours, when cadets are in classes.
- Will be opened to allow parents access for sunset.
- Will be closed and locked when cadets and parents leave after sunset.
Navy League Policies
We follow the policies prescribed by The Navy League of Canada, which include, but are not limited to:- Navy League By-Laws
- Cadet Safety Policy
- Harassment and Abuse Prevention Policy
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Volunteer Screening
- Information Protection and Privacy
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